Google Tag Manager vs. Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager vs. Google Analytics

For the search novice, the universe of Google’s tracking and reporting tools can be confusing and intimidating. Google Analytics, DataStudio, Google Ads, and Tag Manager are all Google platforms that provide or display data in different ways. However, if you’re new to these platforms, the connection between Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager can be particularly perplexing. They both monitor user activity on your website, correct? Is it the same thing? Should you use one over the other? Do you require both?

Let us begin at the beginning:

Is there a difference between Google Tag Manager and Analytics?

Yes. Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are two distinct platforms with distinct functions. Despite their similar names, both of these are completely different from each other. Both tools are frequently used in tandem. Google Tag Manager is a tool that is solely for managing and storing third-party code. It is not possible to generate reports or conduct analyses with the Google Tag Manager.

Google Analytics, on the other hand, is used for report creation as well as in-depth analysis. Furthermore, Google Analytics can perform all types of reporting, such as conversion reports, e-commerce sales, the bounce rate of the website, time spent on the page, and custom segments.

Understanding the Differences Between Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics collects, stores, and reports on data from your website. Many questions are answered by the tool. Questions like:

  • What is the average number of visitors to your website per day?
  • Where are your visitors coming from?
  • What is your website’s page bounce rate?
  • Which pages/features of your website do your visitors prefer?

However, Google Analytics has a limitation of its own. While the tool can track user interactions on your website’s pages, it can only do so if a tracking code (GA Javascript code snippet) is integrated into all pages of your website’s code, which can only be done by a website development or SEO company.

Furthermore, if you want to track user interaction with specific features on your website, you’ll need to ask your website development company to insert custom tags into the pages of your website’s code. Following that, when a user interacts with your website, the Javascript snippet sends the collected data to Google Analytics, where it is analyzed and converted into reports. If you rely solely on Google Analytics, you will need to hire a development firm to add code for custom tags to your website’s page. However, this procedure can be costly and time-consuming. It may take several months for your tags to become active on the website.

How does Google Tag Manager make the process easier?

Adding Google Analytics tag codes to each page and feature of the website takes a long time. Google Tag Manager comes into play here. The Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows you to add various types of codes (tags) to your website. It puts you in charge of determining when and how certain tags should fire. You would not have to change or add to the code of your website if you used GTM. Google Tag Manager works by allowing information retrieved from one data source, such as your website, to be shared with another data source that analyzes the data (Google Analytics). This tool is very helpful because it keeps all of your tags in one place, so you don’t have to create and manage them separately.

What else is there…?

Furthermore, Google Tag Manager allows you to test the tags. This helps to ensure that the tags are working properly (like when you click an icon). Furthermore, you can change your tags and their functions without having to change the code of your website. GTM offers an alternative in which you can simply make the necessary changes in the tags via the GTMinerface and instantly publish your changes.  Google Tag Manager functions efficiently thanks to three key elements: tags, triggers, and variables. The tags are snippets of code or tracking pixels that inform the GTM of what needs to be done. The GTM is compatible with a wide range of tags. Google Analytics remarketing code for AdworksFacebook pixel codeHeatmap tracking codeAdwords Conversion Tracking codeAdwords Conversion Tracking Code Any custom HTML/Javascript code.

Similarly, the triggers in GTM allow the tag to be fired. The triggers tell Google Tag Manager when you want the tags to be fired. Variables, on the other hand, are extra pieces of information that your chosen tag or trigger may need in order for a certain function to work.

How Do Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Interact?

While GTM manages the tags, Google Analytics performs the analysis and report generation. For example, if you want to track all outbound links on your website, you can do so in Google Tag Manager by selecting the category name, action, and label. Then, go to Google Analytics and look for reports under the offsite links tab, which is located under the main category of behavior. By combining the two, you can either review event actions or gain access to full reports.

How can Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics help your online business?

You must integrate Google Analytics and Tag Manager into your business website in order to improve it. This will provide you with near-perfect data on the performance of your website. On that foundation, you can perfect your next business strategy. The only thing that bothers you is the analytics and tag manager’s collusion. 

This is where Digital Drew’s SEO agency or web development company can help you. It is best to hire a web development company that provides you with an all-in-one solution. We at Digital Drew will gladly assist you. Using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics together can help you save a lot of time and money on your website. Using GTM, you can easily manage your tags and assign them to various features on your website. If you are looking for any of these services, get in touch with Digital Drew today! 

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