In the previous post about audiences, I talked about setting up your audiences for observation or targeting. In this post, I will be discussing the three types of audiences you can target. The three types are demographic, in-market and interaction. Each of these audiences are great to include in your campaigns and ad groups. You can also use different types of audiences in the same campaigns and ad groups as well.
Demographic audiences include parental status, marital status, education, and homeowner status. While each of these categories may not be applicable to every account, it is great to include at least some of these audiences to understand more about your target audience. For instance, if you are a high-end brand looking for higher income individuals, observing those who have a bachelor’s or advanced degree may be helpful. If you add those as observations and see that those with a higher degree have a higher click-through rate and more conversions, you can increase your bids for those campaigns or ad groups. This helps you achieve a higher position on the page when someone has a degree.
Another example is if you are a bar. In that case, you may want to observe or target those that are single or exclude those that are parents. If that demographic is less likely to convert or click on your ad, why waste money showing those people. You can spend more of your budget showing to single people. They are more likely to come to your bar and give you a higher return on your advertising budget.
The next audience, you can target are in-market. This means those searching are ready to purchase the products or services in these segments. There are hundreds of segments to choose from. Everything from handbags to camera lenses, to dating services, to tax and accounting software. You can increase your bids for those who are ready to buy your products or services or target them specifically. This can help you rank higher or include those who are not ready to buy. Therefore, these audiences help you increase ROI and reduce wasted spend on those who are not ready to make a purchase decision.
You can also select similar products. Sometimes those who are searching for similar products, but are searching your product keywords are great to target. For instance, for my own business, I also target those who are in-market for web design and development. Although that isn’t digital advertising and marketing when someone is looking for a website or website redesign usually digital marketing and digital advertising are also going to be needed. You can also remove or exclude an audience at any time if you see an in-market segment doesn’t convert or have a high click-through rate.
In my experience, these have been the most profitable and critical audiences to target. These are based on those who have visited your website, taken a certain action on the site or are similar to those website audiences. Note, that in order to target an interaction audience you need to have at least 1,000 people in that audience. That can take some time to build up especially if you have a small advertising budget. Once you have an interaction audience you can add it to all of your campaigns and ad groups on the observation level and make a campaign targeting specifically those who interacted in the past. The reason these audiences convert so well is that they already know your business exists. Since they are already familiar with your business they already know what you have to offer and have already considered your brand.
It usually takes several touchpoints before someone is ready to spend time and money with your business. Therefore, by retargeting those who already know of your brand that second or third touchpoint could be exactly what they need to take that next step with your business. Therefore, increasing your bids for remarketing sometimes even 50-70% can really help to increase conversions. This would help make sure you are in the first position as many times as possible when someone is searching and has visited your website or taken a specific action on your website in the past.
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